Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Opening statement
Lynx are the most endangered species in the big cat family which live in the remote forests of North America, Asia and Europe. There are Seven species of lynx, the Eurasian Lynx, the Iberian Lynx, the Canada Lynx and the Bobcat. The scientific name for Lynx is Lynx.
0_CATERS_LYNX_KITTEN_04-800x498.jpgThe lynx have short tails with tufts (tufts, long fluffy things on their ears) on their ears and spots on their fur which is either greyish blue, Goldish, to a sort of white . They have large paws for walking through snowy areas and long whiskers. Under the lynxes neck there is a ruff (Ruff, a projecting or conspicuously coloured ring of feathers or hair round the neck of a bird or mammal) that looks a bit like a bowtie but is not often seen at first glance. Every species of lynx have a white belly, chest and on the inside of their legs. The smallest species of lynx are the bobcat and the canada lynx.
Behaviour and Diet
Lynx mostly travel and hunt alone, they can smell prey from over 250 meters away and  use resting or hunting beds to wait for prey to close enough then they attack. They mainly target Snowshoe hare which is most of what they feed on. They also eat Mice, Voles, Grouse, Ptarmigan, Red squirrel and Carrion. (Carrion, the decaying flesh of dead animals.)
Lynx Mate during winter and only give birth once a year. The lynx don't create den sites either, they put their kittens in a log on the ground, a root that makes kind of a shelter or simple ground depression surrounded by dense vegetation. The kittens stay with their mother for the first year of their life while they are taught and learn how to hunt. The father lynx does not help the mother with the kittens.The female lynx gives birth to about 4 kittens when their are enough snowshoe hare available, the amount of kits that come depends on how many snowshoe hare there are.
General statement
If we kill snowshoe hare the lynx population will drop every winter. We can't let another species die out and only leave memories behind. Just think about it and what your doing to our future. Our children may not be able to ever even know what lynxes are! Lets protect them and let our future be a good one.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Malia I am a Jahesha from Kawakawa primary school and I really like your general statement and your appearance.

    What do you like about lynx
